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How to attract attendees to your training courses – 3 basic things

  • Tips

In purpose to attract attendees to your training courses, you need a precise idea that can be changed into success. You have to answer some basic questions, beginning from the who, what, when… ending on the WHY? What should you exactly do? Just read and implement our simple instruction.

Target group

First, you need to “discover” your target audience. Your attendee is your client. You need to know who is your client, what does he/she like, what are his/her expectations.
Check your notes and collected surveys from previous courses. Analyze registration data to find the most valuable clients and ask simply them straight questions. It won’t hurt you. Here are some examples what you can ask them:

  • What differs your offer from other companies in their perspective?
  • What are the pros and cons of your offer?
  • Is there anything you could improve?

The most valuable clients are only one side of the story. Find the least valuable clients and repeat the procedure. You’ll find some really inspiring information.


Now, when you know your target group and their needs, you can prepare your offer. Remember, your event IS your offer. Concentrate on the primary values which are important for your clients (content of the course, certificate etc.), but think also about additional values which can attract them, e.g. location, type of food, technological solutions, date of the event.

Remember that your offer has to be simple and convincing – use words and phrases that anybody can understand. Sophisticated language is not advisable – although it looks “professional” it rarely convinces anyone to spend a significant amount of money. Be precise and use a lot of keywords.


When you know your target group and have your offer it is time to show it to your potential clients including your “old” customers. Use a wide range of resources to promote your event: mailings, website, online catalogs and social media. The topic is quite vast, but here are few hints:

Mailings – send brief and good looking message to your contacts. Use a lot of keywords, put a nice image, be direct and “smiling”.

Website – remember that your website is the first impression of your company for your potential clients. Don’t neglect it: make it attractive, modern and – necessarily – mobile friendly.

Online catalogs – place information about your courses on available online catalogs. It’s going to boost your SEO.

Social media – post information about your events, target your ads to a selected group of people, use your contacts to share info about your offer.