Thanks to our Users suggestions, we launched a new feature today – Global ticket limit. The option is available in Event settings. It can be used to limit the number of registrations, regardless of the limits set for each ticket/group.
Imagine an organization of training course with two types of fees: standard without discount and student discount. There are only 100 seats in the hall. You can’t predict how many students will take part in the training, and you don’t want to limit the number of places available to them:
- setting a limit of 100 people separately for each ticket/group will not work, because there is a risk that a total of 200 people will be registered;
- setting a rigid limit (eg. 60 for standard and 40 for students ticket) may result in a half-empty room.
In this case, the best option is to remove the limits above and setting Global ticket limit only (for 100 people). This feature will “ensure” that the indicated number of seats is not exceeded, regardless of the distribution of attendees. Once the limit is reached, the registration will be closed.
It’s just one of the benefits of using Konfeo.